Preventing Your GPS Kit From Being Stolen

Satellite navigation units make driving a lot easier as they hold digital maps and use a network of satellites in space to pinpoint your location and they provide turn by turn directions to get you to your destination usually through audible signals.

Satellite navigation kits also known as GPS units are now so popular that they are now seen as must-have gadgets. This has led to an increase in thefts and car break-ins as these units are attractive to thieves.

Often what the vehicles owner does is usually to remove the satellite navigation unit from the windscreen holder and put it inside the glove box compartment of the vehicle while leaving the holder still attached to the windscreen. This is not really a very good idea because it leaves a telltale sign that the vehicle has a Gps unit which could lead to a potential break-in.

It is always advisable to detach the windscreen holder completely as this can attract the opportunist thief. One might want to place the support cradle in the glove compartment but a safer alternative would be to completely remove both the unit and the support cradle from the vehicle. Even if you don't remove the cradle from the windscreen and still remove the unit from the glove compartment, there is still a high probability that the vehicle will be vandalised and the windows smashed.

An advice I give to people is to consider using a compatible mobile phone for satellite navigation. On some symbian smartphones and windows mobile phones one can install navigation software with full functionality as the dedicated satellite navigation units. This has a lot of advatages over GPS units which include portability and security.

Francis is a GPS enthusiast and writes about satellite navigation